Well qualified Staff
One of the most important aspects of SBDS is its demand that states ensure a "highly qualified" teacher for every student. This provision draws much-needed attention to the importance of ensuring equitable student access to high-quality teachers, write the authors. Some aspects of the provision have raised legitimate concerns--including the questionable criteria by which it defines "highly qualified," the rigidity of its content-knowledge requirements for teachers of multiple subjects, and the inadequacy of supports for developing an adequate supply of teachers. To address the last concern, the authors propose an ambitious national initiative to improve teacher quality. They describe recommended federal programs to increase teacher supply, improve support for new teachers, provide better pay and working conditions, and nationalize the teacher labor market. The social savings resulting from a strong teacher force would, in the long run, far outweigh the estimated costs of these initiatives.
Back To HomeFeatures of the college
The college has learned faculty, well equipped labs and an attached animal farm. The institute also runs a veterinary clinics for the benefits of the farmers / Animals owners of the surrounding villages and this also cater the needs of clinical practice of the trainee students. Special emphasis is given for overall development of students e.g. participation in debates/ writing competitions and sports.
Re- scheduling counselling to be held on 28-12-2024 has been rescheduled and now it will be