SBDS Society
SBDS Medical Science and Welfare Society
Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Medical Science and welfare Society is registered under Societies Act since 2005 It consists of selfless and committed set of philanthropist and public spirited citizens with varying backgrounds in the field of Education Medical and Social Service etc. The society has a clear cut Vision and Mission to spread the quality Higher Education among masses.
The Society runs two other institutions besides SBDS College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences  SBDS College of Education viz. and SBDS College of Nursing  all situated at the same campus. The Management includes prominent dedicated educationists as its worthy members. The College of Education is governed by a Board of Governor constituted as per norms of the University and National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions.
SBDS Society Journey
2005 SBDS College of Nursing
2007 SBDS College of Education
SBDS College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences.Â
S.B.D.S. Medical Science and Welfare Society
The General Secretary informed the members of society that being a Sikh Minority Institution our college is permitted to conduct admission for B.Ed. and D.Ed. courses at its own level. Members discussed the matter in detail and resolved as under:
Accordingly S.B.D.S. Medical Science and Welfare Society should fill all the seats from the merit list decided by the Managing Committee. Out of these seats 50% seats will be reserved for Sikh Minority candidates. Remaining 50% Seats will be available for general candidates. In case the Sikh reserved seats are not filled by Sikh Candidates then these seats will be offered to Non Sikh candidates strictly on merit bases. It is further resolved that
The admission will be made as decided by the society in the ratio 50:50 i.e. Sikh Minority students 50% and other 50%.
The admission will  be done in air and transparent manner. Admissions will be done purely on merit bases.
Wide publicity should be made for providing adequate opportunity to the minority as well as other candidates.
Brochure /Prospectus containing all the relevant information may be brought out immediately by the college itself.
However, all the seats including management quotas seats in VLDD are filled up as per merit list out of exam conducted by LUVAS , Hisar.
The member authorized General Secretary to take necessary action in this regard immediately.
Features of the college
The college has learned faculty, well equipped labs and an attached animal farm. The institute also runs a veterinary clinics for the benefits of the farmers / Animals owners of the surrounding villages and this also cater the needs of clinical practice of the trainee students. Special emphasis is given for overall development of students e.g. participation in debates/ writing competitions and sports.
Re- scheduling counselling to be held on 28-12-2024 has been rescheduled and now it will be